On Campus & Online Events
This is the page where we announce details of all our on campus, online and other events. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly as it will be updated frequently with our latest events.
Coming Events...
Title: Introduction To The GAMSAT Test
Date: 1st November 2021
Time: 18.00 AWST
Cost: Free
Location: Online
This will be a free online seminar aimed at any students who are planning on sitting the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) for the first time in March 2022.
During the event we'll be going through the three sections of the test:
I Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences
II Written Communication
III Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences
and we'll explain what is expected in each section and the steps you need to take to efficiently prepare. Since this seminar is timed to take place almost immediately after the current sitting of the test this month we'll also make note of any developments reported by candidates this time round.
A sign up link where you can register and view the seminar online will be posted on this page 48 hours prior to the event.