GAMSAT Syllabus
This is my suggested GAMSAT syllabus for biology, chemistry and physics based on the topics most likely to come up in the actual test based on analysis of past sittings.
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Biological molecules
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes
Nucleic Acids
RNA, DNA, energy & ATP
structure, specialisation and organisation
prokaryotic cells and viruses
cell cycle
Cell Membranes
osmosis, diffusion, active transport
Immune System
T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, anti-bodies, vaccination
Organsims & Exchange
gas exchange in single cells
gas exchange in fish
gas exchange in plants
gas exchange in lungs
enzymes and digestion
Mass Transport
haemoglobin, circulatory system, the heart, cardiac cycle
transport of water in the xylem and organic molecules in phloem
genes, DNA, chromosomes, ribonucleic acid
protein synthesis
natural selection, inheritance, probability and genetic crosses
dihybrid inheritance, co-dominance and multiple alleles, sex linkage
The chi squared test
population genetics, isolation and speciation
Energy Transfer
photosynthesis, light and dark reactions
aerobic and anaerobic respiration, glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
Nervous System & Muscles
neurones, action potential, speed of nerve impulse, synapses
stucture and contraction of muscle
feedback mechanisms, hormones, blood sugar control
osmoregulation, nephrons
Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure
particles, mass number, atomic number, isotopes, electrons
electron arrangements and ionisation
atomic and molecular masses, the mole, moles in solution, the Avogadro constant
the ideal gas equation, empirical and molecular formaulae
balanced equations and percentage yields
ionic, covalent, metallic bonds
electronegativity, forces between molecules, shapes of molecules and ions
exothermic and endothermic reactions
enthalpy, enthalpy changes of combustion, bond enthalpy,Hess's law
collision theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, catalysts
rate of chemical reactions, rate expression, order of reaction, the rate equation, Arrhenius equation, the rate determing step
equilibrium reactions, equilibrium constant Kc, equilibrium constant Kp, rate determing step, equilibrium calculations
Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Reactions
enthalpy change, Born-Haber cycles
Electrodes and Electrochemical Cells
electrochemical cells,
direction of redox reactions
Acids, Bases, Buffers
pH scale, weak acids and bases, acid-base titrations
indicators, buffer solutions
Organic Chemistry
naming organic compounds,optically active compunds
The Carbonyl Group
aldehydes, ketones and reactions of the carbonyl group
carboxylic acids and esters and their reactions, acylation
physical properties, naming, reactions
synthesis, as bases, as nucleophiles
condensation of polymers
the atom, stable and unstable nuclei, photons, particles, antiparticles
Quarks and Leptons
particle sorting, leptons, quarks and antiquarks, conservation rules
Quantum Phenomena
photoelectricity, electrons colliding with atoms, atom energy levels and spectra, wave particle duality
measuring waves and properties, stationary and progressive waves
refraction of light, total internal reflection, double slit interference,
vectors and scalars, balanced forces, moments, stability, equilibrium,
speed, velocity, acceleration, free fall, motion graphs,
projectile motion, Newtons laws of motion, force and acceleration, F=ma, terminal speed,
Force and Momentum
momentum, impulse, conservation of momentum. elastic and inelastic collisions, explosions
Work, Energy and Power
work, energy, kinetic energy and potential energy, power
density, springs, deformation of solids, stress and strain
Electric Current
currents and charge, potential difference, resistance and resistivity
DC circuits, circuit rules, electromotive force and internal resistance.
Further Resources
For more help with GAMSAT please check out Griffiths GAMSAT Review Home Study System which takes you step by step through all three sections with advanced strategies for each.