GAMSAT Online Question Bank
If you're looking for a Gamsat Online Question Bank this short article will help you find what you're looking for.
I'm going to show you the best sources of online questions for Gamsat.
Before I do that however let me first of all say that the best source of practice questions for Gamsat is undoubtedly the official ACER practice questions which are available from their website.
They sell five different sets of online question banks.
The Practice Questions book is included in the cost of your test registration and is about half a full length Gamsat test.
Apart from this there are four additional papers you can purchase.
These are the Sample Questions which is also about half a full length test and costs AUD$ 27 €19 or £17.
Then there are three further full length tests which cost AUD$ 45 €28 or £32.
All these question banks are available online in the form of downloadable PDF's.
These are the official practice questions so the quality is very good and they are also highly likely to be similar to what will actually appear in the test both in terms of style and difficulty.
However they do have one big DISADVANTAGE - they have no worked solutions.
So while these are good for TESTING your knowledge, they aren't so good for helping you to LEARN.
Which is why most people also invest in some of the commercially available question banks.
Included in the Griffiths GAMSAT Review course you get plenty of practice questions, I've put together a free sample which you can download here so you can assess the quality. They come with fully worked answers, to download just click here >> GAMSAT Online Question Bank
If you decide to purchase the full online course you'll get questions like these for sections one and three which are included in the individual section modules.
All of these questions are delivered online in PDF format and are available for instant download.

For section two you'll get plenty of sets of quotes to help you practice writing your essays just like in the real test.
All the questions come with fully worked answers so you can see exactly how the correct answer was arrived at.
For section two you'll get an incredible one hundred marked essays to help you assess the essays you write at home. We cover low scoring essays and high scoring essays so you can see the characteristics of both.
Of course that's not the only thing you'll get in the course.
While practice questions are of course useful, what's even more useful is learning techniques and strategies which help you actually answer the questions correctly.
You can read more about the course here - GAMSAT Online Course
Before we wrap things up let me say one final thing about using Gamsat question banks to prepare for the test.
Don't make the mistake of ONLY using Gamsat style questions as part of your preparation.
The reason for this is quite logical. Full Gamsat questions are normally quite lengthy. They consist of lots of text and diagrams which you have to read and interpret which makes them reasonably time consuming to answer.
For this reason they aren't the most time effective resource to use if you're just starting to learn a new topic.
That's why I recommend starting off with shorter and quicker types of questions such as those which can be found in a standard science text book for example when you're first starting to learn a new topic. You'll find it more effective and much less frustrating than jumping straight into full Gamsat type questions, which to be honest are often designed to trick you.
In this way you'll be able to cover the basics more quickly and grow in confidence as you complete more questions and cover more scenarios than would be possible just doing the full Gamsat style questions.