Gamsat Practice Test 1 Solutions
We've made a whole series of videos with Gamsat Practice Test 1 Solutions for you to watch where we go through the solutions to the practice test step by step.
We've broken the test down into 26 easily digestible short videos which take you through the whole thing giving you worked solutions to every single question by our expert science tutor.
We've done our best to make the solutions to Practice Test 1 easy to follow and to the point, with no unnecessary waffle.
Here's the link to the whole playlist on Youtube:
And if you want to start watching the first video in the series straight away, here it is:
While you're there have a look around on our Youtube channel.
You'll find not only solutions for practice test 1, but also for all the official ACER Practice Tests plus the ACER sample questions and practice questions.
These worked answers will leave you in no doubt how to solve the questions and help you kick start your Gamsat preparation.
These videos are provided 100% free by Griffiths GAMSAT Review to help you with your Gamsat prep.
Remember, when you purchase the full Griffiths GAMSAT Review Home Study System in addition to everything else, you also get access to our series of science tutorial videos for Section 3 which cover all the key topics you need to know.
Besides the Gamsat Review package the only other materials you'll need are the actual official ACER practice tests which are the closest thing to the real test and which you should work through under timed conditions. The correct answers to the questions are given with those booklets. However there are no worked answers which can leave you in doubt if you can't work out how the correct answer is arrived at. With this set of videos hopefully we've solved that problem for you.