The Best GAMSAT Quote Generator
This is the best GAMSAT quote generator I've found so far. Here's how to use it to produce unlimited sets of 4 or 5 quotes on the same topic just like in the real test.
Ok so if you've reached this page it's because you're sitting Gamsat and you already know that in section two, the Written Communication paper, you are presented with 4 or 5 quotes from famous people all based around a common theme or topic.
You then have to write an essay based on one or more of the quotes.
There are MANY QUOTE GENERATORS online but this is the BEST ONE I've found to quickly generate several quotes all based on one theme just as in the real test.
Using this you'll be able to generate as many quotes as you need for your practice essays.
It's not difficult to use but to save you some time I've added some screenshots below to show you exactly how to use it to produce the quotes you need since this particular site gives you several different ways to generate quotes, so I'll show you the best way.
OK, so first of all you need to go to the site -
When you get there you'll see the home page with this menu:

You need to click on the "More Topics" button under the "Popular Topics" column - as indicated by the red arrow I've added to the screenshot.
This will take you to a page of topics organized alphabetically as shown below:

Now you just choose a topic and your quotes are generated for you. For example if we click on "Patriotism" from the list we are taken to a whole page of quotes on this topic from a variety of famous and historical figures:

I recommend that you just take the first four from the page to use for your practice essay rather than scrolling through the list to find ones you like.
This will more accurately replicate the real GAMSAT where you'll have to work with the quotes you're given. You won't be able to pick and choose in the real test.
If you want to repeat the essay with a new set of quotes to try and improve, then just scroll down the page and pick another four.
In recent sittings of the test they have only given you four quotes for each essay.
In the past it was five. Also it now seems they do not give the name of the person the quote is attributed to. No reason was given by ACER for these changes and it is possible it could go back to five quotes at any time.
I wouldn't worry about this too much as if you have a good essay writing system you'll be able to use it regardless of whether there are four or five quotes.
Further Resources
If you're still struggling to write two GAMSAT essays in sixty minutes based on a set of quotes I invite you to look at the method inside my home study course Griffiths GAMSAT Review. This is an essay writing model developed specifically for Gamsat which practically allows you to have your essays pre-planned before you even walk into the test.
Click here for more details > Griffiths GAMSAT Review Home Study Course