Gamsat Locations | Where Are Gamsat Test Centres Located?
If you're looking for the exact address of Gamsat locations then below you can find where Gamsat test centres are located in each city where the test is held.
ACER who are the test administrator for Gamsat only publish on their website the cities where the test is held. They don't (and never have) publish the exact addresses or names of the individual test centre locations.
Candidates are only told where they have to go a couple of weeks before the test when they receive their admissions slip.
In addition since the test is now taken on a computer the old Gamsat test centres used for the paper based test have now all changed to new venues with access to large numbers of computers such as business centres or hotels with conference facilities.
I've been putting together a new list of all the new locations with the help of my students (thanks to everyone who helped). I've also asked them to give me some feedback about conditions in each test venue which you can also read.
The main locations are covered but the list is not yet 100% complete as I didn't receive feedback for all cities, so if you've sat the test in a location marked "info needed" below then please get in touch and let me know at peter [at]
Thanks, Dr Griffiths
Click on the city names below to see full details and address of the Gamsat test centres there.

Albury (info needed)
Alice Springs (info needed)
Dubbo (info needed)
Darwin (info needed)
Newcastle (info needed)
Sunshine Coast (info needed)
Townsville (info needed)
Whyalla (info needed)
Derry/Londonderry (info needed)
Limerick (info needed)
Other Countries
Wellington (info needed)
Further Resources
For more help with GAMSAT check out Griffiths Gamsat Review which takes you step by step through all three sections with advanced strategies for each.